
Houston Area Sees Three Fatal Truck Accidents in Just Over Three Weeks

August 23, 2017

With some of the busiest trucking routes in the nation, Texas sees numerous serious commercial truck accidents every year. Sadly, local news outlets have recently reported on a spate of fatal collisions, including three fatal collisions in the Houston area in the span of just over three weeks. These accidents, which involved a trailer, an 18-wheeler and a garbage truck, serve as stark reminders of the risks Houston-area drivers face on a daily basis, and they highlight some of the key risks that can lead to serious and fatal trucking collisions.

Truck Flips onto Concrete Barrier on Southbound I-45

On July 21, KHOU.com reported that a truck towing a trailer on I-45 crashed into the barrier separating the northbound and southbound lanes, causing the truck to flip and crushing the driver’s side of the truck cab. The report indicates that one person died at the scene while another was trapped in the truck, and from the photos it does not appear that any other vehicles were involved.

There are numerous factors that can cause trucks with trailers to rollover. In many cases, rollovers will lead to multiple-vehicle accidents that leave numerous drivers and passengers with serious, if not fatal, injuries. While it is fortunate that no other vehicles appear to have been involved in this instance, the accident was still a tragedy, and it shows that rollovers can happen under a wide range of circumstances.

Side-Impact Collision with Turning 18-Wheeler Results in Driver Fatality

On August 1, ABC13.com reported on a fatal truck accident involving an 18-wheeler. According to the report, the truck driver was attempting to make a left-hand turn on South Houston Avenue when it was hit by an oncoming vehicle.

Once again, details of the accident are sparse. However, as we recently discussed, side-impact collisions that result in underrides are among the most-dangerous types of 18-wheeler accidents. In fact, roughly half of all fatal truck accidents involve underrides. In side-impact collisions, passenger vehicles can become trapped under 18-wheelers, and seatbelts and airbags will often be ineffective in protecting occupants against fatal injuries.

Illegal Turn Blamed for Fatal Garbage Truck Accident

Two weeks later, CW39.com reported that an elderly woman suffered fatal injuries when she was struck by a garbage truck in southwest Houston. The report indicates that investigators identified an “illegal turn” as the cause of the accident, while the driver reportedly said that she was unaware she had hit a pedestrian until being stopped by a witness.

While the police reportedly ruled out intoxication as a potential cause, once again, there are numerous potential issues that can lead to these types of truck accidents. From blind spots to inattentiveness and distracted driving, with large trucks, even minor mistakes can lead to tragic consequences.

Morrow & Sheppard LLP | Truck Accident Lawyers in Houston, TX

If you lost a loved one or know someone who lost a family member in a fatal truck accident, the attorneys at Morrow & Sheppard LLP can help. We provide experienced legal representation for accident victims and families throughout the Houston area. To speak with a lawyer about your case, please call (800) 489-2216 or request a free consultation online today.

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