Award-Winning Houston Industrial Accident Lawyers
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an industrial accident, contact our dedicated Houston industrial accident lawyer at Morrow & Sheppard LLP for a free, confidential consultation.
Serving Injured Industrial Accident Victims and their Families throughout Texas
Industrial businesses thrive in Texas, providing thousands of jobs in refineries, factories, and plants throughout the state. Unfortunately, working at a refinery or other industrial facility can be extremely dangerous. Each Houston industrial accident attorney at Morrow & Sheppard LLP is privileged to assist workers injured at plants and refineries. If you were injured in a plant explosion, scaffolding accident, fire, or the like, discuss your legal rights with a Houston industrial accident attorney before they are jeopardized by an employer or insurance company.
Plants, refineries, and the workers that run them are vital to the American way of life and the global economy. Without these industrial facilities, society would be without the everyday products we take for granted. The plants and refineries in this country produce a wide variety of products, including petroleum products such as ethylene, diesel, gasoline, and liquefied natural gas (LNG); chemicals; plastics; consumer products and electronics; cars and trucks; foods; sugars; and metals.
The Environment of Industrial Plants and Refineries
Although they can be dangerous places, injuries can be prevented at plants and refineries. With the proper education, training, safety procedures, checks and balances, and communication, accidents that cause injuries can and should be avoided. This is particularly true when one considers the billions and billions in profits that plants and refineries make each year. Despite record profits, some plants are poorly managed and cut corners on safety. These shortcuts can cause catastrophic injuries or even wrongful death. If you or somebody you love was injured in an accident while working at a refinery, plant, or factory, speak with a Houston industrial injury attorney experienced in industrial accidents to learn about your available legal options.
One thing that makes plants and refineries dangerous is the beehive of activity that occurs at them. At any point, there are often thousands of workers and contractors at a particular plant or refinery. Unfortunately, even in the best-managed facilities, it just takes one dangerous condition or one person failing to follow the law, failing to abide by company regulations, or simply not paying attention for a serious accident to occur. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all workers are qualified, properly trained, and understand the task at hand, but that is unfortunately not always the case. Moreover, on-site workers are sometimes not as familiar with the plant’s systems as others. This could be because they are new, temporary, or contract workers. Often, companies fail to properly educate and train these workers, putting everyone at risk.
Additionally, the type of work being carried out at plants and refineries can make them dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. Plants and refineries are mechanically complex and often involve hazardous substances and heavy machinery. In short, a lot can go wrong; when it does, the consequences are often deadly. When hazardous materials or procedures are involved, companies are responsible for safeguarding against accidents and explosions.
Common industrial accidents that can occur at plants, refineries, or facilities include:
- Falls from heights, such as ladders and catwalks
- Injuries caused by plant equipment, including tools and machinery<
- Explosions
- Fires
- Chemical burns
- Smoke or toxic fume inhalation
- OSHA violations
- Exposure to dangerous chemicals
- Slips and falls
- Injuries caused by poor maintenance
- Injuries caused by poor supervision
- Injuries caused by dangerous work or conditions
- Injuries caused by inadequate safety equipment
Take Action Now!
It goes without saying that plant and refinery accidents can be catastrophic and wide-scale. For example, when experienced attorneys Nick Morrow and John D. Sheppard were at Fulbright & Jaworski, the firm defended and resolved many lawsuits arising from the 2005 explosion at BP’s Texas City, Texas refinery that injured more than 170 people and killed 15 others. As another example, in 2008, 13 people were killed, and 42 were injured in a dust explosion that occurred at an Imperial Sugar refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia. In 2013, a fertilizer plant in West, Texas exploded, killing 14 people and injuring 160 more.
If you or a loved one has been injured or tragically killed while working at a plant or refinery, a top-rated Houston industrial accident attorney at Morrow & Sheppard can help. Contact us at (866) 801-3582 or click here for a free, confidential consultation.